Thomas Atkinson
(Abt 1785-1863)
Lydia Cawood
(Abt 1797-1879)
George Atkinson
(1820-Bef 1891)
Martha Allen
(Abt 1824-1876)
Joseph Atkinson


Family Links

Joseph Atkinson

  • Born: 1854, Preston, Lancashire England

  General Notes:

1861 Census RG9/3537 Kirk Fenton : Joseph Ambler 57, born in Church Fento n, George Atkinson, lodger (son-in-law), born in Saton, 37, Martha 37, bo rn in Lumby, Mary 18, John 10, Joseph 7, James 4, Thomas 2 - born in Chur ch Fenton.

1871 Census RG10/4741 Kirk Fenton : 1 Fenton Hall, Joseph Atkinson (transc ribed as Alkinson), 18, born in Kirk Fenton, farm servant with Hollings f amily

1881 Census RG11/4714 Church Fenton: Joseph Atkinson, 27, Farm Servant Ind oors with Taylor family (near to father and brothers)

1891 Census RG12/3881 West Tadcaster : Joseph Atkinson 40, brewery drayma n, born in Church Fenton, boarder with Hardy family

1901 Census RG13/4433 Tadcaster : Joseph Atkinson, 48, unmarried, Brewe rs Labourer, boarding at the Malt Shovel Inn, New Street, born in Church F enton

  Noted events in his life were:

• source.


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