James Skennerton
Mary Ann Glaskin
(Abt 1843-1936)
John Skennerton
Eliza Alice Farr
(Abt 1877-)
Lilian Mary Ann Skennerton


Family Links

1. Nelson Frank Nicholas

Lilian Mary Ann Skennerton

  • Born: 1902 (4Q), West Ham, London, Essex England
  • Marriage (1): Nelson Frank Nicholas 1924 (4Q) in New Forest, Hampshire England

  General Notes:

Marriage = Lily M A Skennerton

  Noted events in her life were:

• connection. 311 Jennifer Roberts is linked to me through Robert in this wey:
Jennifer Clark (c1950) married ? Roberts (c1950)
Her father was Dennis Clark (1927) who married Pauline Plumb (1937)
Her father was Charles Plumb (1896)
His father was Charles Plumb (1870) who married Sarah Rook (1871)
Her father was John Rooke (1835) who married Elizabeth Horslen (1803)
Her father was Samuel Horslen (1803) & he also had Robert Horslen (1847)
He had Mary Ann Horslen (1875) who married Cecil Skennerton (1870)
His father was Isaac Skennerton (1841)
His father was Isaac Skennerton (c1798) & he also had Thomas Skennerton (c1820)
He had James Skennerton (1846)
He had John Skennerton (1870)
He had Lillian Skennerton (1902) who married Nelson Nicholas (1902)
They had Tony Nicholas (1927) who married Edna Tilke (1927)
Her father was William Tilke (1903)
His father was John Tilke (1877)
His father was William Tilke (1848)
His father was John Tilke (1824)
His father was John Tuplin (1796) & his mother was Ann Tilke (1798)
Her father was John Tilke (1766)
His father was William Tilke (c1720) & he also had Joel Tilke (c1755)
He had Mary Tilke (1796) who married William Tilke (1790)
His father was Simon Tilke (1764) & he also had Joel Tilke (1796)
He had Samuel Tilke (1833)
He had Samuel Tilke (1857)
He had Alban Tilke (1897) who married Eleanor Pickles (1912)
Her father was Ernest Pickles (1887) who married Eleanor Saunders (1888)
Her father was George Sanders (1849)
His father was William Sanders (c1817) who married Harriet Aldous (1791)
Her father was James Aldous (1755)
His father was Richard Aldous (c1731)
His father was Richard Aldous (c1705)
His father was William Aldous (1645)
His father was William Aldous (1610)
His father was Stephen the Third Aldous & he also had Stephen the Second Aldous (1607)
He had Stephen Aldous (1636)
He had John Aldous (1681)
He had William Aldous (1710)
He had William Aldous (1749)
He had Zephaniah Aldous (1778)
He had Amelia Aldous (1818) who married James Peck
They had Charlotte Peck (1843)
She had Annie Florence Dawes (1873) who married Arthur Augustus Bray
They had Albert Alan Bray (1896)
He had Robert Alfred Bray (1920)
He had Robert Arthur Bray (1947) who married me - Robyn Bray (nee Davies) (1950)

Lilian married Nelson Frank Nicholas, son of Francis (Frank) Nicholas and Annie Mabel Warne, 1924 (4Q) in New Forest, Hampshire England. (Nelson Frank Nicholas was born on 12 Dec 1902.)

  Marriage Notes:

2b 1831


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