Henry Clive Jenkins
Constance Hope Evelyn Jelfs
Neville Jenkins
(Cir 1930-)
Katrina Jenkins
(Cir 1960-)


Family Links

Katrina Jenkins 835

  • Born: Cir 1960

  Noted events in her life were:

• connection. 835 Katrina Di Felice (Ancestry) is linked to me in the following way:
Katrina Di Felice . . .
Her father was Neville Jenkins (1927)
His father was Henry Jenkins (1889)
His father was John Jenkins (1848) & he also had William Jenkins (1889)
He had Robert Jenkins (1921)
He had Wendy Jenkins (1949) who married Victor Alce (1952)
They had Lance Alce (1976) who married MelodyAnn Bray (1981)
Her father was Robert Bray (1947) who married me - Robyn Bray (nee Davies) (1950)


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