Henry Pullen
Margaret Catherine (Kate) Albert
William Toft Pullen
Annie Elizabeth Spencer
Trevor Pullen


Family Links

Trevor Pullen

  • Born: 27 Jun 1933, Lismore, NSW Australia
  • Died: 25 May 2014, Beaudesert, Queensland Australia at age 80 974

  Noted events in his life were:

• connection. 974 Emily Richter's (Ancestry) connection to me (1834) is as follows:

Emily Richter . . .
Is the Granddaughter of . . .
Trevor Pullen (1933)
His father was William Pullen (1892)
His father was Henry Pullen (1861)
His father was William Toft Pullen (1834) who married Charlotte Hoy (1835)
Her father was Timothy Hoy (1785) & he also had Rebecca Hoy (1830) who married Jonas Wheeler (1827)
They had Adelaide Wheeler (1863) who married Edward Gearside (1858)
His father was Samuel Gearside (1833)
His father was Samuel Gearside (1798) & he also had Sarah Gearside (1830) who married Thomas the Sprigg of Myrtle Parkes (1824)
They had George Parkes (1852)
He had Sarah Parkes (1894) who married William Grace (1892)
His father was Edward Grace (1841) & he also had Albert Grace (1875) who married Mary Davies (1883)
Her father was Joseph Davies (1852) & he also had G A Davies (1894)
He had Colin Davies (1925)
He had me - Robyn Bray (nee Davies) (1950)


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