Wilmer George Lush
Ella May Kingswell
Clarance Orval Whitfield
Pearl Margaret May Lush
William Whitfield
(Cir 1950-)


Family Links

1. Dawn

William Whitfield

  • Born: Cir 1950
  • Marriage (1): Dawn

  Noted events in his life were:

• connection. William & Dawn Whitfield's links to Robert are as follows:
Dawn ? married William Whitfield (c1950)
His father was Clarence Whitfield (1918) who married Pearl Lush (1928)
Her father was Wilmer Lush (1908)
His father was William Lush (1860) who married Rebecca Manning (1866)
Her father was James Manning (died 1886)
His father was Robert Manning (1800)
His father was Robert Manning (c1773) who married Martha Clutton (c1773)
Her father was William Clutton (1746)
His father was Henry Clutton (c1713)
His father was William Clouten (1675) who married Martha Aldous (1670)
Her father was Stephen Aldous (1636) & he also had John Aldous (1681)
He had William Aldous (1712)
He had William Aldous (1751)
He had Zephaniah Aldous (1778)
He had Amelia Aldous (1818) who married James Peck (1820)
They had Charlotte Peck (1843) who married James Dawes (1843)
They had Annie Florence Dawes (1873) who married Arthur Augustus Bray (1869)
They had Albert Alan Bray (1896)
He had Robert Alfred (1920)
He had Robert Arthur (1947) who married me Robyn Bray (nee Davies) (1950)

William married Dawn. (Dawn was born circa 1950.)


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