James Woolley
(Abt 1872-)


Family Links

1. Annie Hobden

James Woolley

  • Born: Abt 1872, Hastings, Victoria Australia
  • Marriage (1): Annie Hobden in 1900 in Victoria Australia

  General Notes:

James Woolley enlisted in the Australian Imperial Force on 26/2/1916. His next of kin was his wife Mrs Annie Woolley, Crib Point, Victoria. He had two dependent children.
The Certificate of Medical Examination describes James as: - age - 44 years and 1 month, height - 5 feet 3 and a half inches, weight - 8 stone 9 pounds, chest measurement - 32/37 inches, complexion - dark, eyes - hazel, hair - dark brown and religious denomination - Church of England. His distinctive marks - Vac - 3 left arm, moles - 2 chest, scars - 2 back neck, small piece out of right ear.
James was discharged 13/12/1916 as being medically unfit due to Chronic Rhuematism. Not due to misconduct, character good.

  Noted events in his life were:

• Occupation: Fisherman.

James married Annie Hobden, daughter of George Hobden and Ann (Annie) Mary Kearns, in 1900 in Victoria Australia. (Annie Hobden was born in 1881 in Tyabb, Victoria Australia and died in 1957 in Hastings, Victoria Australia.)

  Noted events in their marriage were:

• Certificate: (4117).


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