Robert Horne
Mary Becket
Thomas Payne
(Cir 1735-)
Susan Rops
(Cir 1740-1764)
Samuel Horne
Eunice (Una) Payne

Samuel Henry Horne


Family Links

1. Eliza (Elizabeth) Evans

2. Ellen Weston

Samuel Henry Horne

  • Born: 1798, Tasburgh, Norwich, Norfolk England
  • Marriage (1): Eliza (Elizabeth) Evans on 2 Feb 1824 in St Philips C of E, York St, Sydney, NSW Australia
  • Marriage (2): Ellen Weston on 9 Apr 1845 in Maitland, NSW Australia
  • Died: 11 May 1886, Singleton, NSW Australia at age 88

  General Notes:

My first connection in proving where Samuel Horn]e] was born orchristened came from the the 1851 census, in Norfolk, Film no. 438851 where I had found a George Horn[e] who had been born at Tasburgh 1837the very same place where Samuel Horn[e] himself hadcommitted a crime involving a William Wright an owner of a Nursery.
George was the Grandson of Joseph Harvey and Martha so my secondreaction was to prove who the mother was of George.

I continued on the lines of the church records and ordered a film ofTasburgh no.1657204 items 8-17 from the Latter Day Saints, this gaveme all the proof I needed as there was Samuel Horn[e] as large aslife being christened to Samuel and Eunice nee Payne on the 4th.February 1798 the exact year that Samuel was suppose to be born.

I then had to prove to myself that I was right and looking for thebirth or christening of George Horne I found him being the son of Mary Horn[e] also found in the 1851 census saying that she was born at Tasburgh in 1813 but what connection was she to Samuel this was mynext avenue and it led me down the path to her mother and it turnedout to be a Martha Horne also a single mum, looking further into thisfamily I found Martha's marriage to Joseph Harvey in 1833 she wasabout 12 years older than he but I could still not prove that Martha was connected to Samuel untill I found the burial of of her in 1869in Tasburgh aged 82 being [born1787] , I had remembered that in the1851 census it said that Martha had been born in the town of Tharstonwhich is very closeto Tasburgh so out with another film from theLatter Day Saints this was no.1702652 and with more proof there wasMartha Horn born 23rd. July 1788 to Samuel Horn and Eunice nee Pain,next followed Martha's other siblings.
From there everything else fell into place like for instance Joseph Harvey's parents were renting their house from the owner of a Nursery a William Wright and this was the man that Samuel jnr. robbed when he was 17/18 years of age, I believe that Samuel may have befriended young Joseph being at the age of 13 and probably a little wild was eager to help with this crime but maybe thought better of it and to leave it to his older friend.
Well you know what happened to Samuel but William Wright must have been a forgiving person as a George Horn[e] was renting a house from him in the year of 1836/7 and maybe the rest of the Horn[e] familywere doing the same but I know for sure that Joseph Harvey and Martha were renting their house from William Wright.

Since my last entry I have found George Horne's birth date and it was15th November 1810 Tharston baptised 18th November 1810 and his mother was Martha Horne the sister to Samuel.
Church records state he was born George Barnes Horne the natural sonof Martha Horne.

Looking at both church records of Tharston and Tasburgh we havechildren from both towns being witnesses to marriages of theirsiblings also including Samuel Snr. this all took place at Tasburgh.

I found the burial of Eunice Horn[e] nee Payne[Pain] but no mention ofher birth place or her parents but I did find out that she was born1759 that is if her age of death was correct. I could not locate thedeath or burial of Samuel Snr. but I did find other Horn[e] familiesin Tharston probably Samuel's Parents married elsewhere and afterbirths of Samuel Snr. and other siblings at another town they ended upin Tharston but that is another mystery to solve.

Samuel Horn
Samuel Horn was arrested on the 23rd July 1816, and charged withstealing goods worth £39 from William Wright, a farmer from Tasburgh.These goods included sundry promissary notes and money, an oak box, abond, and a small Japanese box.
Date Tried: 15th August 1816, Norfolk assizes
Sentence: Death by hanging, later commuted to 7 years transportation.

Christine O'Keefe notes:
Samuel Henry Horne of Hornsby fame is in fact my great great great great grandfather. It was common knowledge in the family that Hornsby (short for Horne's borough) had been named after our ancestor. It is rather interesting that the convict ship records have him as Samuel Horn (without an 'e')

The story went that he had been granted the land as a reward for capturing the bushranger. But we had always been told that he in fact gambled the land away playing cards! I cannot find any reference to this! I was not aware that he had come to Australia by convict ship. However I rather see that as something pretty special.

  Research Notes:

source: & Rhonda Ware who notes:
"Samuel Henry HORNE" is a very interesting character. To come as a convict and so impress people to be made a constable is quite an achievement. He was given a lot of authority in Patricks Plain, so much so that after appointing him Chief Constable, and Inspector of Breweries, Cattle to be Slaughtered, Slaughterhouses, etc. then Bailiff - they had to take the job off him. Probably seen as a conflict of interest.
I grew up in Thornleigh which is near Samuel Horne's grant of land at Normanhurst which he called Hornsby Place and then when the train line came through the station was called Hornsby. The next station was called Hornsby Junction and that caused lots of problems with people getting off at Hornsby to change trains when they should have stayed on and got off at Hornsby Junction. Someone solved the problem by renaming Hornsby station to Normanhurst station and renaming Hornsby Junction to Hornsby.
The problem with giving land grants to people for meritous deeds is that they are not farmers and not interested in growing food.

  Noted events in his life were:

• Baptism, 4 Mar 1798, Tasburgh, Norwich, Norfolk England.

• emigrated.

• connection.

• connection. 305

• connection. 19

Samuel married Eliza (Elizabeth) Evans, daughter of James Evans and Elizabeth Dean, on 2 Feb 1824 in St Philips C of E, York St, Sydney, NSW Australia. (Eliza (Elizabeth) Evans was born on 1 Aug 1804 in Sydney, NSW Australia, christened on 22 Apr 1810 in St Phillips, The Rocks, Sydney, NSW Australia and died on 10 Feb 1841 in Singleton, NSW Australia.)

Samuel next married Ellen Weston on 9 Apr 1845 in Maitland, NSW Australia. (Ellen Weston was born about 1824 in England and died on 18 Oct 1885 in Singleton, NSW Australia.)


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